I became interested in special needs planning as somewhat of a natural progression from estate planning, probate and even guardianships. These areas of law bring into focus the potential benefits of proper planning on the lives of disabled persons and the expense of improper planning. If I have one clear objective in my profession it is to be remembered as someone who compassionately and attentively helped them and their loved ones.
I often tell people that “I spend my time fixing problems”, whether the problem is lack of planning, improper planning or connecting people with resources that can help them.
For career satisfaction, I think competently assisting those people that need help the most, is perhaps the most rewarding way to spend your time.
One thing that comes to mind is the realization that achieving goals is a matter of consistency and motivation over time, not necessarily pure intellect.
I love Saturdays. We usually begin with a long hike with the dogs, which preferably involves mud, mud puddles, regular puddles, streams or lakes…with an occasional squirrel or small rodent for extra excitement. My dogs, Rigatori and Rosie are English goldens/water magnets. Next up (in summer), is some sort of cycle in the Wasatch mountains with my husband. In the winter, we ski. We are very fortunate to live in a place with extraordinary beauty (Utah).
I am somewhat embarrassed to admit that I am a fan of creepy, scary movies like the Shining. However, I am very particular in the type of scary movies…not too gruesome.