Guardianship and Its Alternatives
2015-12-06T03:42:11-05:00Contact: Kathleen Glastetter 518-456-7501
Contact: Kathleen Glastetter 518-456-7501
Planning for the Future: Special Needs Trusts, Guardianship and Other Important Issues for Individuals with Disabilities and Their Families
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Presentation: Planning for the Future: Special Needs Trusts, Guardianship and Other Important Issues for Individuals with Disabilities and their Families Presenter: Edward Wilcenski, Esq. Wilcenski & Pleat PLLC Contact: Nora Osuchowski 598-9222
SNA attorneys have ongoing involvement with a wide array of issues faced by individuals with disabilities, their families and the professionals who serve them. Below is a sampling of recent posts from member blogs. Is Rosie the Robot the Future of Caregiving? A study finds that Americans don’t like the idea of using robots to [...]
By Scott Suzuki, Esq. With the increasing mobility of American families, the need to transfer guardianships between states is on the upswing. A new job (or military assignment), supports that better meet the ward's needs, or even a more favorable climate are among the many motivations. Moving is one of the most stressful things that [...]
By Martha C. Brown, CELA When someone is living with severe mental illness, the process of obtaining guardianship can be particularly complex. Symptoms may be intermittent, leading individuals to resist legally imposed assistance and making it difficult for a court to establish whether or not they are competent to care for themselves. The goal, of [...]