Search results for: guardianship

06 02, 2008

What to Pay Before Funding a Special Needs Trust

2024-08-30T09:39:26-04:00Tags: |

This issue of The Voice, the e-mail newsletter of The Special Needs Alliance, was written by SNA member Roger Bernstein of Coral Gables, Florida. Mr. Bernstein and his wife, Margrit, focus their practice on planning for personal injury settlements and for aging, illness, and incapacity.

06 01, 2008

Economic Stimulus Payments and TV Converter Box Coupons


This issue of The Voice, the e-mail newsletter of The Special Needs Alliance, was written by SNA member Raymon B. Harvey, Esq., an AV-rated sole practitioner in Little Rock, Arkansas. You can read more about Mr. Harvey, and his practice, at his office's website, which provides additional information about Special Needs Trusts and related issues such as Guardianship and Conservatorship, Medicaid eligibility, and other topics of concern to those with disabilities and their caretaker families.

04 02, 2008

An Introduction to "In-Kind Support and Maintenance"

2024-04-16T14:24:22-04:00Tags: |

You are reading The Voice, the e-mail newsletter of The Special Needs Alliance. This installment was written by Special Needs Alliance member Raymon B. Harvey, Esq., who is an AV-rated sole practitioner in Little Rock, Arkansas. You can read more about Mr. Harvey, and his practice, at his office's website, which provides additional information about Special Needs Trusts and related issues such as Guardianship and Conservatorship, Medicaid eligibility, and other topics of concern to those with disabilities and their caretaker families.

02 02, 2008

Structuring a Personal Injury Settlement

2024-08-30T09:39:51-04:00Tags: |

You are reading The Voice, a newsletter published by The Special Needs Alliance. Our purpose is to provide information--and answers--about special needs planning for family members and professionals. We hope this newsletter helps you. We would love to hear your questions, suggestions and comments; please feel free to e-mail us. We also encourage you to forward our newsletter to others who might benefit from the information here, or who might have similar questions.