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11 06, 2024

Bryn Poland


INTRODUCING BRYN POLAND Bryn Poland, Esq., is a partner with Mayo & Poland, PLLC, Baytown, Texas. She focuses her practice on special needs trusts and administration, qualified settlement funds and estate planning I went to law school to become an elder law attorney. When I started working for Pi-Yi, [...]

09 08, 2021

Helping Your Special Needs Child with Employment

2025-01-07T10:13:55-05:00Tags: , , |

This post was authored by attorney Tara Anne Pleat, CELA of Wilcenski & Pleat PLLC, Clifton Park, NY. Tara focuses her practice in the areas of special needs estate planning and administration, traditional estate planning and administration, and long-term care planning. She has been a SNA member since 2010. With the pandemic almost in the [...]

03 24, 2020

Isolation Tips for Families with Special Needs


This post was authored by Bryn Poland, Esq., of Mayo & Poland, PLLC, Baytown, Texas. She focuses her practice on special needs trust planning and administration, qualified settlement funds, and estate planning. She is a member of the Special Needs Alliance. Schools and day programs are suspended. Non-essential businesses are told to operate remotely. Families [...]

05 20, 2019

Full Funding of the IDEA Critical for Our Children


By Linda M. Gorczynski, Esq. It's critical that we get increased funding for special education services in order to meet the needs of students with disabilities and achieve compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Attempts have been made to make legislative changes for years, but it hasn't happened. We all need to [...]

06 17, 2018

Five Activities to Improve Your Child’s Communication Skills


By Lisa Orlando, Invo-Progressus Communication is such a fundamental part of who we are that we can take for granted how often we use these skills. Speaking, listening, questioning and responding are all a part of our daily lives. That is why so much emphasis is placed on communication regarding your child with special needs. [...]

12 02, 2015

Pairing Advance Directives with Supported Decision-Making


By Michael A. Kirtland, CELA When a young person reaches the age of 18 (19 or 21 in certain states), they are legally considered an adult. For many it's an exciting threshold, full of promise. Still, they may face medical, financial and educational decisions which could benefit from the advice and assistance of others. Unless [...]

09 06, 2015

Ignoring Medicare Set-Asides Puts Coverage at Risk


By Pi-Yi G. Mayo, CELA & Bryn Poland, Esq. When a personal injury suit is being settled, one often overlooked step is the creation of a "Medicare Set-Aside (MSA)," money earmarked for future injury-related costs that would otherwise be covered by Medicare. The confusion arises because CMS (The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) has [...]

01 28, 2015

Recommended Books for the Special Needs Community


As lawyers in elder and disability practices, Special Needs Alliance members have many experiences that feed our empathy and understanding, but not all of us have parents with dementia or a child with a disability. One thing we have learned, though, over many years of practice, is that if you have seen one child or [...]

11 11, 2014

Special Needs Alliance Book Club History


[wp-members status="in"] As lawyers in elder and disability practice, Special Needs Alliance members have many experiences that feed our empathy and understanding, but we all don't have parents with dementia, and not every one of us has a child with a disability. One thing we have learned, though, over many years of practice, is that [...]