Search results for: guardianship

01 16, 2024

Long-Term Care Planning for Children with Disabilities


When you are the parent or guardian of a child with developmental disabilities, planning for your child’s future starts early. One top consideration for your loved one as they age is planning for their long-term care. Read what to consider when embarking on the planning process.

11 16, 2023

Divorce and Children with Special Needs

2024-06-04T13:45:58-04:00Tags: |

Of the many life challenges and circumstances that can potentially disrupt the life of a child with special needs, divorce is undoubtedly one of the most difficult situations to contend with. While the rate of divorce remains lower for couples with a child with special needs, the stress and added responsibilities on parents can lead [...]

10 23, 2023

Board of Directors


2023-2024 Officers Amy C. O’Hara, CELA, President Amy C. O’Hara, CELA, is a partner with the law firm of Littman Krooks LLP, White Plains, New York and New York City. She focuses on special needs planning, elder law and traditional estate planning and consults on personal injury settlements. Amy’s [...]

10 02, 2023

Kathie Roberts Spotlight


INTRODUCING KATHIE BROWN ROBERTS, CELA.   I became interested in special needs planning as somewhat of a natural progression from estate planning, probate and even guardianships. These areas of law bring into focus the potential benefits of proper planning on the lives of disabled persons and the expense of [...]

06 28, 2023

Barbara Hughes Spotlight


GET TO KNOW SNA EMERITUS MEMBER BARBARA HUGHES Once we had Covid shots, I finally did some long awaited travel: in 2022, a long Baltimore weekend to celebrate my oldest grandson’s college graduation at Johns Hopkins, followed by 2+ weeks in Alaska via Viking cruise ship and then bus to the [...]