Loud & Clear: The SNA Blog

Loud & Clear: The SNA Blog2023-06-19T15:15:41-04:00

Loud & Clear: Family Conversations is written by our member attorneys and guests for individuals with disabilities and their families. We tackle the day-to-day and long-range issues that affect the quality of life. Readers are welcome to comment on the discussion, though we can not answer legal questions here. For answers to specific legal questions, please find an attorney in our Directory.

What Parents Need to Know about Special Education Rights

This post was authored  by Marion M. Walsh, Esq., a partner with Littman Krooks LLP, which has offices in White Plains and New York City. She has worked in education law for  over 20 years and leads the special education department at Littman Krooks. She is certified by the New York State Education Department  as an impartial hearing officer for children with disabilities.

October 29th, 2019|2 Comments

Is Self-Employment Right for You?

This post was co-authored by John S. Kitchen, Esq., and Janet Lowder, CELA. John has law offices in Auburn and Laconia, New Hampshire. His practice areas include special needs trusts (SNTs), powers of attorney, wills and revocable trusts for individuals who have a family member or friend with disabilities. Janet’s firm is headquartered in Cleveland, with several other offices throughout the state. She focuses on estate planning for the elderly and for individuals with special needs and is recognized for her knowledge of Medicaid.

September 26th, 2019|Comments Off on Is Self-Employment Right for You?

Guardianship Should Be a Last Resort

This post was written by former Special Needs Alliance president Katherine N. Barr, Esq., a member of Sirote & Permutt’s Private Clients, Trusts and Estates Practice Group, Birmingham, Alabama.  Much of her practice involves special needs planning, through which she assists clients in providing for a family member in a way that does not jeopardize government benefits.  She is a fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTEC) and has been cited in The Best Lawyers in America©.

June 17th, 2019|0 Comments

Bullying and Kids with Disabilities

By Judith L. Smith, Esq. Bullying in its many forms is a serious, all-too-common problem, and social media has moved this abuse online. The bullying may involve insults, threats or [...]

January 28th, 2019|2 Comments

Wings for All® Takes the Fear Out of Flying

Barbara Hughes, center, Vice President of The Arc Dane County, chaired the stunningly successful event.  From left, Danielle Sendelbach and Bianca McCormick from Barbara’s office were two of the many [...]

December 4th, 2018|2 Comments

Preparing for Dementia

By Sally L. Schoffstall, CELA Dementia is on the rise with the aging of baby boomers. Nearly six million individuals in the U.S. have Alzheimer’s, while others deal with cognitive [...]

October 22nd, 2018|1 Comment

Considerations Selecting a Family Trustee

By Tara Anne Pleat, Esq. It is not uncommon for parents who are creating a supplemental needs trust (SNT) for a loved one with disabilities to assume that naming one [...]

September 12th, 2018|Comments Off on Considerations Selecting a Family Trustee

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