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There are 2 active members in New Hampshire. Each of our member attorneys has years of experience and dedication to the practice and study of this complex and specialized area of law. Please contact a Special Needs Alliance member attorney in your area to consult with them on your specific concerns.

Morneau Law
[email protected]

47 Factory Street
Nashua, NH 03060

Tel: (603) 943-5647

Area(s) Served: Nashua and Manchester (Queen City)
Office Location(s): Nashua, New Hampshire
Member Since 2010
Anne N Butenhof

Sheehan Phinney
[email protected]

1000 Elm Street, 17th Floor
Manchester, NH 03101
Tel: (603) 627-8292

Area(s) Served: Concord, Manchester, Portsmouth, and Upper Valley
Office Location(s): Manchester, New Hampshire
Member Since 2004