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There are 2 active members in Kentucky. Each of our member attorneys has years of experience and dedication to the practice and study of this complex and specialized area of law. Please contact a Special Needs Alliance member attorney in your area to consult with them on your specific concerns.
2443 Sir Barton Way, Ste. 325
Lexington, KY 40509
Tel: (859) 823-2300
Fax: (859) 298-5797
Area(s) Served: All of Kentucky
6500 Glenridge Park Place, Ste. 7
Louisville, KY 40222
Tel: (502) 562-7573
Fax: (502) 589-0309
Area(s) Served: All of Kentucky; Floyd County and Clark County in Indiana

Elder Law Lawyers McClelland & Associates, PLLC
[email protected]
Lexington, KY 40509
Tel: (859) 823-2300
Fax: (859) 298-5797
Area(s) Served: All of Kentucky

Yussman Special Needs Law & Wyatt Estate Planning
[email protected]
Louisville, KY 40222
Tel: (502) 562-7573
Fax: (502) 589-0309
Area(s) Served: All of Kentucky; Floyd County and Clark County in Indiana
Office Location(s):
Louisville, Kentucky
Member Since 2022
Member Since 2022