Service Animals

Where Can Service Animals Go?

By Richard A. Courtney, CELA In addition to performing helpful tasks, service dogs offer unconditional love and opportunities for social interaction. Service animals can change lives. My daughter, Melanie, who’s had service dogs for years, comments that beyond the many helpful tasks they perform and the unconditional love they provide, they open up opportunities for [...]


Blog Roundup: Service Dogs/Health Care Surrogates/Educating Kids in Nursing Homes

SNA attorneys have ongoing involvement with a wide array of issues faced by individuals with disabilities, their families, and the professionals who serve them. Below is a sampling of recent posts from member blogs. Service Dogs: What to Do if Your Service Dog is Denied Public Access Businesses are required under the Americans with Disabilities [...]


Second Chance: Rescued Dogs Help Vets Heal

By Nell Graham Sale, CELA During World War I, it was termed "shell shock." But while the psychological toll of war isn't new, veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or traumatic brain injury (TBI) continue to battle the common misperception that mental health and "war injury" are mutually exclusive. They face the same stereotypes foisted [...]


Dogs with a Mission

Service Dogs Can Change a Life By James A. Caffry, Esq., and Richard A. Courtney, CELA The relationship between canines and humans has been evolving for at least 14,000 years, and service dogs are a prime example of how we've benefited. Many people confuse the various types and roles of assistance dogs. According to Assistance [...]
