Loud & Clear

Through a Parent’s Lens

When a Child Has Special Needs By Mary Schmitt T. Smith, Esq. As a special needs attorney and a Mom of two adult sons with disabilities, I bring an added dimension of experiencing reality "in the trenches" to my work with clients. Yes, I know how it feels to receive a diagnosis you never anticipated [...]


How to Assess Future Life Needs for a Loved One with a Disability

By Joanne Marcus, MSW, Executive Director, Commonwealth Community Trust The first months, or even years, after receiving the diagnosis are filled with unexpected questions and challenges when you have a loved one with special needs. “Here-and-now” needs like healthcare, therapy, education and other immediate needs can quickly take priority over future planning, which is understandable. [...]


A College Freshman with Learning Differences

In summer 2013, Brian L., who has learning differences, was interviewed about his recent graduation from high school and eagerly anticipated college experience. Here, he and his mom describe the last 12 months of his educational journey. Q: What was your first semester of college like? Brian: I loved the social aspect. The atmosphere was [...]


SSDI Is Often a Lifeline

By Rebecca L. Berg, CELA Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a federal program offering monthly cash payments and eventual Medicare coverage to individuals with long-term disabilities that prevent them from holding down a job. While it's a vital lifeline to many, it's often misunderstood. The Census Bureau reports that roughly one in 10 Americans [...]


Do I Really Need A Professional Trustee For My Special Needs Trust?

By Michael C. Walther, President, Oak Wealth Advisors Serving as a trustee requires administrative and technical skills in addition to strong interpersonal communication skills. Identifying the appropriate trustee is difficult in general; a Special Needs Trust (SNT) presents additional challenges. While most families will name a relative to serve as the trustee of their family’s [...]


When People with Disabilities Divorce

By Barbara Hughes, Esq., and Edward V. Wilcenski, Esq. Studies indicate that divorce rates increase with the onset of a disability. While any divorce is likely to be disruptive, when one or both partners have special needs, there are additional complications. Marital laws differ by state, but here are issues to consider. Question of Capacity [...]


Blog Roundup: Service Dogs/Health Care Surrogates/Educating Kids in Nursing Homes

SNA attorneys have ongoing involvement with a wide array of issues faced by individuals with disabilities, their families, and the professionals who serve them. Below is a sampling of recent posts from member blogs. Service Dogs: What to Do if Your Service Dog is Denied Public Access Businesses are required under the Americans with Disabilities [...]


Getting Creative: Models for Filling the Housing Gap

By Mary O’Byrne, Esq., and Stephen W. Dale, Esq. Previous installments of this three-part series have examined the scope and causes of the housing crisis faced by people with disabilities, as well as government programs designed to address it. This final article explores models being used by nonprofits, families and private industry-often with the help [...]


When Parents Can’t Pay

On Paper, Filial Support Laws Hold Adult Children Accountable By Jason Frank, CELA, CAP, Fellow of NAELA It's no secret that long-term care is in crisis. Today, many nursing home bills are paid by Medicaid, but with the aging of baby boomers and increased longevity, that program will face increasing pressure. As states seek budget-balancing [...]


Trustees Should Use Professional Administration for MSAs Inside SNTs

By Douglas Shaw, COO, Medivest and Tom Matson, National Account Manager, Medivest An injury settlement of any variety can present a host of complex issues that the settling parties must take into account. One such issue centers around a dually eligible claimant, who is either currently receiving, or is eligible to receive, both Medicare and Medicaid [...]


Second Chance: Rescued Dogs Help Vets Heal

By Nell Graham Sale, CELA During World War I, it was termed "shell shock." But while the psychological toll of war isn't new, veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or traumatic brain injury (TBI) continue to battle the common misperception that mental health and "war injury" are mutually exclusive. They face the same stereotypes foisted [...]


Attorneys Explain Interplay of SNTs and Medicare Set-Asides

Representing SNA at the recent annual conference of the National Alliance of Medicare Set-Aside Professionals (NAMSAP), Kristen L. Behrens, of the Begley Law Group, and Shannon A. Laymon-Pecoraro, of the Hook Law Center, discussed how to integrate Medicare set-asides (MSAs) with first party special needs trusts (SNTs) created to hold personal injury settlements. An SNT [...]


Blog Roundup: Home and Community Care/Least Restrictive Environment/”Sole Benefit” SNT Distributions/Hospitals and Family Caregivers

HCBS--A Cost-Effective Method of Providing Care Home and community-based care is less expensive than nursing home care and has the potential to ease states' Medicaid burden. Read on. https://lawprofessors.typepad.com/elder_law/2014/05/hcbs-a-cost-effective-method-of-providing-care.html Does the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Work for Your Child? An inclusive environment isn't always the best educational solution for a student with special needs. Read [...]


Missing the Mark – Government Housing Programs for People with Special Needs

By Mary O’Byrne, Esq., and Stephen W. Dale, Esq. In the first article of this three-part series, we examined the scope and causes of the crisis in housing for individuals with disabilities. Here, we describe government efforts to address it. The performance of government at all levels has been inconsistent with regard to the housing [...]


Understanding SNT Groundrules Can Avoid Disappointment

By Bridget O’Brien Swartz, CELA, Vice President & Senior Trust Officer, First International Bank & Trust Beneficiaries and their families generally have high expectations regarding special needs trusts (SNTs), which are designed to enhance quality of life for a loved one with disabilities without threatening eligibility for means-tested government programs. But SNTs are subject to [...]


The Affordable Care Act and Personal Injury Awards

SNA President Marielle F. Hazen, CELA recently spoke on the "Impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on SNT and Settlement Planning" to an audience of 200 at the 2014 annual meeting of National Structured Settlements Trade Association. After providing a quick overview of the ACA, she focused on its potential effect on personal injury [...]


Understanding VA Disability Benefits

By Cindy S. Alvear, Esq. and Julian E. Gray, CELA Most people are aware, to some extent, that the Veterans Administration (VA) offers benefits for service-related disabilities. Many don't realize, however, that for veterans with war-time service-even if stationed stateside-there may be coverage for certain non-service-related disabilities, as well. Here's an overview: Service Connected Disability [...]


The Arc Launches New Center for Criminal Justice and Disability

By Leigh Ann Davis, M.S.S.W., M.P.A., Program Manager, Justice Initiatives The Arc, the nation's leading organization for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), has been awarded a two-year grant for $400,000 by the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) to develop a National Center on Criminal Justice and Disability, specifically focused [...]


Tough Choices: People with Disabilities Face Housing Crisis

By Mary O’Byrne, Esq., and Stephen W. Dale, Esq. This is the first in a series of articles addressing scarce housing for people with disabilities. The shortage in housing for individuals with disabilities has reached crisis proportions, with some special needs attorneys citing it as their clients' number one issue. "Pricing Out in 2012," a [...]


Working With the Social Security Administration: Some Thoughts for the Perplexed

By Michael J. Astrue, Former Commissioner, Social Security Administration I moved back to the Boston area last year after my six-year term as Commissioner ended. It has mostly been a joyous transition for me, but one small but recurring annoyance is that one of my radio stations keeps playing advertisements for a financial advisor who [...]
